Season statistics

Number of PBs posted since the beginning of the season : 6034

Average score of PBs posted since the beginning of the season : 148

Game Number of submissions Average score Median Score Max
Aladdin 490 (8%) 150 157 205
Cranked Up 841 (14%) 151 158 205
Salt and Sanctuary 343 (6%) 157 163 205
Crash Team Racing 617 (10%) 156 159 205
Tinykin 581 (10%) 145 154 205
Disc Room 612 (10%) 142 152 205
Neon White 623 (10%) 146 155 205
Spacegulls 660 (11%) 159 162 205
Lonely Mountains 572 (9%) 146 153 203
Celeste 695 (12%) 128 136 205